How lazy insurance brokers affect your insurance rates.
What you need to know about the upcoming International Road Check.
Do you have projects out of state and/or hire employees who reside outside of Texas?
The third-party vehicle is being pulled over by the police for speeding but stops in the right lane of travel instead of the shoulder.
Does driver facing cameras have a greater benefit or give the plaintiff attorney more to work with?
Brokers receiving 10-15% of the insurance premium you pay in commission creates misalignment. When your premium goes up, your broker makes more money. When the premium goes down, they make less.
Did you know that the ONLY exceptions from the hazmat regulations, are...
Phrases like "safety is our top priority" are best spoken, and not put into writing.
Is social media a part of your distracted driving policy and training?
I am pulling together a community of energy companies who are tired of every auto accident their business is involved with being a 7 figure claim.